ClimatePartner joins CCS+ Initiative

October 22, 2021

ClimatePartner joined the international CCS+ Initiative, bringing in its comprehensive expertise and know-how to steer and support the development of Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) removal methodologies for the voluntary carbon markets. CCS technologies contribute to removing carbon emissions from the atmosphere in line with the recommendations published by the latest IPCC report as well as the Science Based Targets Initiative’s (SBTi) guidance towards corporate net zero targets.

As a partner of the initiative, ClimatePartner seeks to support the development and expansion of existing and future CCS technologies and work together with other innovators in this area to provide supply that meets the continuously increasing demand for removal units in the voluntary carbon markets. In the future, ClimatePartner will develop its own projects and offer CCS removals options for its clients’ offset portfolios.

The CCS+ Initiative was launched in June 2021 and is looking to develop methodologies in various work streams, covering carbon capture, carbon storage, and carbon transport. A yet-to-be defined framework methodology will be open to any technology type that fits within these categories, and will include direct air capture technologies, mineralization, underground storage, and utilization.

Dr. Sascha Lafeld, Head of Carbon Offset and Green Energy Services at ClimatePartner: “We need as many means as possible and to activate as many technologies as possible to limit global warming to 1.5° and eventually reach net-zero. By creating methodologies to accelerate the scaling of CCS through carbon markets, the CCS+ Initiative is a key component to reach this goal. We are therefore glad and looking forward to bringing in our broad expertise in the field carbon emissions measurement, project development and impact reporting.”

ClimatePartner has been building up comprehensive expertise and knowledge in CCS+ through its pioneering work in the area of carbon neutrality. Only earlier this year, a dedicated team of experts was set up to further drive the development of these solutions and to expand the range of climate action options available to its base of more than 4.000 customers.

About Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), in its various forms, including both sequestration and utilization, represents key technology solutions for achieving both permanent emission reductions and carbon removals. CCS plays a critical role in reducing emissions from fossil sources as well as supporting circular economy (utilization) efforts. CCS technologies can also generate permanent carbon removals through combining CCS with CO2 from biomass (Bio-CCS, e.g. BECCS), with direct air capture (DACCS) or with mineralization processes.

About the CCS+ Initiative

The CCS+ Initiative is an alliance of organizations aiming to leverage carbon markets and scale up global decarbonization and carbon removal efforts. It focuses on advancing carbon accounting for a range of carbon capture, utilization, storage, and removal technologies that are underpinned by robust ‘cradle-to-grave’ life cycle assessments (LCA) and rigorous verification standards to ensure environmental integrity.

The methodological framework envisaged by the CCS+ Initiative will cover a wide range of carbon capture technologies for point source emissions, technical carbon removal solutions, different CO2 transport modalities and various carbon utilization and storage solutions. It will enable the verification of emission reductions and/or removals from CCS and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization) projects and allow for the certification of projects under the VCS program.