Climate action in 2021: climate neutrality increasingly becomes part of corporate strategy

January 20, 2021

Feedback from ClimatePartner customers shows strengthened commitment; major interest in sustainable supply chain

Companies are increasingly seeing engagement in climate action as a key element within their corporate strategies and want to expand it. This is shown by the feedback from ClimatePartner customers who were surveyed at the end of 2020*. A clear majority understands that climate neutrality, and offering climate-neutral products and services are central features that demonstrate they are taking the responsibility properly. Here, the sustainable supply chain is at the forefront when it comes to expanding their climate actions**. Also, the climate neutral label by ClimatePartner is an important means of giving consumers guidance and helping them make purchasing decisions.

76 per cent see climate neutrality as part of their climate action strategy

Even though companies that work with ClimatePartner might already have a high degree of climate awareness, a majority plans to expand their commitment in 2021. Over 76 per cent of the survey participants pursue further climate action above and beyond the climate neutrality status of their own company or their products and services. For example, through further recycling of raw materials and the improvement of their resource efficiency.

60 per cent see climate-neutral products support their climate action objectives

Taking on climate action is a matter of conviction: the main motivation for companies to offer climate-neutral products or services is that these measures support their corporate strategy in relation to environmental protection and sustainability. Nearly 60 per cent of participants see this as the key reason. For approximately 27 per cent, the main reason is that with climate-neutral products they can occupy an additional market position.

71 per cent use the climate-neutral label to showcase their commitment

A clear majority see ClimatePartner’s climate-neutral label as an important and effective external signal of their own climate action commitment. Over 71 per cent see it as a visible sign that the company is assuming responsibility in climate action.

56 per cent see the climate-neutral label as an important decision-making aid for consumers

Additionally, more than half of the survey participants, over 56 per cent, are convinced that the label provides influence and aids in decision-making for environmentally conscious consumers. Approximately 32 per cent indicate their intention to expand their climate-neutral product range further.

Moritz Lehmkuhl, CEO of ClimatePartner, welcomes the readiness for more commitment to climate action: “Despite of economically uncertain times, it is encouraging that companies are not losing sight of climate change and even want to become more active in this area. The Paris Agreement and the SDGs, the recently passed EU climate law as well as the establishment of Science Based Targets give them an ever clearer picture of the contribution they and their supply chain partners can make to limiting climate change. We want to support them with our solutions which we are constantly developing and expanding.”


*Between 19 November and 7 December, a total of 129 companies and customers of ClimatePartner provided feedback on their planned climate action measures for 2021.

**Feedback from almost 300 participants of ClimatePartner's Online Academy events in 2020.