Statement on the current reporting in Die Zeit and The Guardian

January 26, 2023

Statement on the current reporting in The Guardian and DIE ZEIT

An investigation by The Guardian and Die Zeit has made accusations that forest protection projects certified by the Verra standard have not saved emissions to the extent of the certificates issued. The reporters raise questions about the methodology of the baseline calculations. Verra is clear in its rejection of these allegations.

Forest protection projects are an essential part of climate action to achieve the 1.5 °C target of the Paris Agreement – that is undisputed. Forests are among the most important carbon sinks on the planet, absorbing about a third of the emissions caused annually by human activities. They also harbour rich biodiversity and are the basis of life for all humans. 

The demonstrable contribution to emissions reduction of the forest protection projects in our portfolio is indispensable for us. It is crucial that the climate projects are of high quality, transparent, verified by independent institutions, and that they complement additional carbon reduction strategies.

We are closely following the allegations against the Verra REDD+ method and have called on Verra to provide comprehensive clarification and to issue a statement to this effect. It can be found here.

We have also set up an internal task force to evaluate and analyse the studies referred to in the report. Independently of this, we review all REDD+ projects that we have in our portfolio. 

A total of 40 REDD+ projects were examined in the published studies, 11 of which are in the ClimatePartner portfolio. The results differ: one study comes to a critical conclusion, while the more recent study from 2022 comes to an overall positive assessment of forest protection projects. All the REDD+ projects from this study that ClimatePartner also has in its portfolio received a positive overall rating.

These different results alone confirm that we have to accept that there is no one truth, but rather that a permanent scientific discourse is necessary to further improve methods on a regular basis. Our goal must be that we all contribute to making the voluntary market for carbon emission reductions work as effectively as possible and that we improve it where necessary by compiling and comprehensively analysing different scientific findings, methods and technologies.

We have a common goal of making a demonstrable impact on climate action and an important contribution to the fight against deforestation.


What is ClimatePartner's position on the report's allegations?

We are dismayed by the allegations made and have investigated them immediately. In addition to the full clarification we have requested from Verra, we have also initiated our own investigation to obtain further insights and facts.

What is the actual purpose of forest protection projects?

It is a fact that forest protection projects make an important contribution to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The prerequisite is a verifiable contribution to reducing emissions. In addition to standards such as Verra, independent auditors such as TÜV Nord Cert, S&A Carbon, and Carbon Check have also confirmed this in previous assessments. The accusations made are serious, which is why it is so important for us to have them examined in comprehensive detail by all parties involved.

If my company is supporting a Verra forest protection project, should we do anything at this time?

We would like to take the time to thoroughly examine all allegations. To this end, we immediately requested that Verra give a detailed statement on the allegations and provide comprehensive clarification. At the same time, we have set up an internal task force. This task force will analyse the studies mentioned in the report and internally re-examine the projects mentioned in the studies. In addition, we plan to have these studies evaluated by an independent body in order to determine the necessary steps for ClimatePartner to take. The review process is very time-consuming, but it is important to get as comprehensive a picture as possible before we decide on the necessary action.