In this climate project, water filters are manufactured in Laos and distributed across the country by local employees, even to the most remote villages. This gives many families access to clean drinking water at home for the first time.

Clean drinking water: Not a given in Laos

For many people in Laos, treating water to make it safe to drink is challenging. Many Laotians boil water before drinking it, but this costs money, time, and valuable natural resources such as wood. Not everyone can afford this, with one in five people in Laos living below the poverty line. 

Furthermore, boiling water over open wood fires is not a suitable solution due to the high carbon emissions. Water filters that do not require additional equipment and can store enough water to supply a family all day is much more practical for the people of Laos. 


landscape laos

Clean water for remote communities

In Laos dangerous gastrointestinal diseases spread quickly through contaminated water. This climate project provides a remedy: ceramic water filters produced directly in Laos and sold throughout the country by local project staff. This has the added benefit of strengthening the local economy through social entrepreneurship. The filters are easy to use and even practical in remote villages because they are easy to transport and do not need electricity.  

Not only do people gain a reliable water supply, but they also save money through buying less medicine and firewood. This is also good news for the climate, as fewer emissions are released.  

Woman with water filter
Carbon reduced

Estimated annual emission reductions

56,927 t CO2

Water filter

Project impact

23,329 water filters sold (by 30.06.2023) 


Project location


registry icon

Project standard

The project's impact

man filling water filter

Mr. Boonyong, clean water technician

“The project trained me how to educate families about the benefits of filters both to their health and also to decrease the costs and time associated with finding wood or charcoal to boil water.”  


Water filter user in rural Lao

Water filter user in rural Laos

“Life is easier with the filter. I have time to relax. It makes me happy, I have no complaints. I would recommend it to all my relatives.”  

The project contributes to the following United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

sdg 1 icon

No poverty

Through the project, many households save money because less fuel is bought, less money is spent on medicines, and more time is available to pursue employment.  

sdg 3 Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being

As water no longer has to be boiled, indoor smoke is reduced and people suffer less from respiratory diseases.  

sdg 6 Clean water and sanitation

Clean water and sanitation

The project provides access to clean drinking water even for people in remote villages.  

sdg 8 decent work

Decent work and economic growth

Decent work and economic growth: The project creates jobs for local people and promotes social entrepreneurship. 

sdg 13 climate action

Climate action

According to the validated project design, the project avoids about 56,920 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

Are you interested in financing this project? We are looking forward to your request!