Climate neutral printing with Papyrus and ClimatePartner

The quick path to carbon neutral printing

With climate neutral printing, you will clearly enhance your commitment in the fight against global warming: all carbon emissions that you can't avoid right now are offset. This neutralizes the effect on the global climate overall.

ClimatePartner is a leading solutions provider for corporate climate protection. We are experienced in implementing solutions for calculating and offsetting CO2 emissions for more than 1.000 customers all over the world. Our IT solution is certified by the Austrian technical inspection authority (TÜV Austria).


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3 easy steps to climate neutral printing

1. We calculate your carbon emissions

We calculate all carbon emissions caused by your print product, from raw material like paper to the energy for your printing machines. Then you can offset this volume of emissions. 

2. You can offset the emissions

You support an internationally recognized carbon offset project from our portfolio. Carbon emissions are saved at another location. All projects are certified according to the highest international standards. 

3. Everyone can track the carbon offset

You obtain full transparency through the climate neutral label featuring a unique ID specific to your order. By entering this ID at, you and your customers receive detailed information regarding the emissions generated by your print products and the carbon offset project you supported for the offset.

Find a sample certificate. 

Find a sample label.

Do your part

It is very easy to start carbon neutral printing right away. Just contact ClimatePartner, we will give you access to our carbon calculator and guide you through the process. 

Welcome, you are now a partner for climate neutral printing!

How does a carbon offset project work?

Carbon offset projects demonstrably save greenhouse gases through activities like forestation or renewable energy. Independent organizations such as TÜV, SGS, or PwC verify the exact volume saved. The project operator can finance the project through the sale of certified emissions reductions. Only projects requiring financial support are recognized as certified carbon offset projects.

Find a choice of our different projects here below or on the ClimateMap.